Kaggle_COVID-19 Detection


SIIM-COVID19 Github Banner

  • Who: the solo- & side-project
  • When: June 2021 - Aug 2021 (completed)
  • Where: Kaggle Image Detection Competition SIIM-FISABIO-RSNA COVID-19 Detection
  • What: Identify and localize COVID-19 abnormalities on chest radiographs. In particular, categorize the radiographs as negative for pneumonia or typical, indeterminate, or atypical for COVID-19.
  • How: PyTorch. EfficientNet7(classification) + Yolo-v5(Detection). EfficientNet2(classification) + CascadeRCNN(Detection). EfficientNetv2 + DCN(FasterRCNN)
  • Learn: Image detection.

  • Result_1: It’s done (Aug. 9, 2021). I finally ranked at 97/1324 (Top 8% - Bronze medal). I know it’s all my fault, however, the bronze medal was retracted and my account on this competition was deleted because I made two accounts on this competition(the 2nd account’s name was ‘Running_on_Datasets’ which was ranked at 100/1324), in order to overcome the computing power and submission limits. I admit I violated the competition rule which I was not aware of that.
  • Result_2: 스크린샷 2021-08-09 오후 7 46 18
  • Result_3: 스크린샷 2021-08-09 오후 7 41 36