YouTube Trending Videos Analysis


  • Who: the group project (4 people including myself)
    • I was in charge of writing all codes related to the data crwaling through Google YouTube API and Kaggle and its EDA.
    • Code modularization was done by other members.
    • I am not the registered contributor, because I have changed the Github account.
  • When: Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2019
  • Where: ECE 143 (Programming for Data Analysis) group project
  • What: Analysis of YouTube trending videos and give suggestions to people who want to become a successful YouTuber
  • How: Python. Data scrapping(requests, argparse). EDA(Pandas, Numpy, Seaborn, matplotlib, wordcloud)
  • Learn: Data scrapping/crawling, EDA libraries usages, and code-modularization
  • The repository is open to the public.

  • Featured slides ECE_143_title_img ECE143